The Make-up

The Make-up sub-niche is a fantastic place to start on your blogging journey. It is, however incredibly competitive. And with good reason.

The market for make-up, beauty, and personal care products is staggering. The revenue was 86.1 Billion dollars in 2017 alone, according to

With that much revenue, it is no wonder why the entire niche is so competitive. But competition is not a bad thing. Only niches with no money-making potential have zero competition.

The key is working around the competition until you are in a position to take them head-on. You’ll need great content, you’ll need a lot of hard work, some patience, and you’ll need proper training.

You are also going to need to be clever in your keyword research and your overall affiliate strategy. Picking the right affiliate programs can go a long way in making your income potential that much more impressive.

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